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The X-Ray vs. The MRI

The X-Ray vs. The MRI
The X-Ray vs. The MRI

Apples and Lemons

Over my 26 year career in the employee assessment industry, I’ve tried to present the complex world of psychometric assessments in a simple, human, smart approach to make HR Life Easier™.

Often times, businesses are trying to determine which assessment would be best for their particular need. We all know the phrase comparing “apples to apples” and so often organizations look at price, reporting, and assessment time and find themselves actually comparing an apple to a lemon.

The X-Ray

One of my favorite analogies is comparing an X-ray and the MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to employee assessments.


Take the X-ray for example. An X-ray uses a small amount of radiation that passes through the body to quickly capture a single image of your anatomy in about 15 minutes. X-rays are a quick low-cost method that gives good, but limited information; however, often times an X-ray is the perfect solution for the situation at hand.

There are many employee assessments that function similar to an X-ray. These “X-ray style” employee assessments are quick, low-cost and offer a quick overview of an individual. However, depending on the organizational need or job position, an “X-ray” style assessment might be all that is needed to achieve the desired result.


In healthcare, there are many situations where an X-ray simply won’t provide the in-depth analysis needed to assess the medical need. The MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), which combines a powerful technology with an advanced computer system to produce accurate, detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and other internal body structures. An MRI Scan can typically last from 45 to 60 minutes offering in-depth images for analysis.

There are several assessments that are in the realm of the MRI. These “MRI style” employee assessments can deliver powerful technology coupled with advanced psychometric science. These type of employee assessments usually take about 45 to 60 minutes to complete, however; the payoff of information is unmatched for serious human resource decision-making.

Unlike the X-ray style assessment, which offers a one-dimensional view of an individual, the MRI style assessment provides advanced reporting on an individual’s mental abilities, occupational interest, and core behavior traits. The “MRI Style” assessments allow an organization to unlock the key to the Occupational DNA® of how someone may or may not fit a particular position and culture in a particular organization.

What's Next?

We offer Employee Assessment Solutions To Make Your HR Life Easier™. We help our clients find success by making the very human decisions about people, Simpler and Smarter.

We invite you to schedule a call or appointment directly with John Beck. Let John be your guide to help you navigate the complex world of Employee Assessments.

By the end of our meeting, you’ll know if John and the team at The Assessment Company®, are the right Employee Assessment Company for you.

Our solutions help you effectively select, on-board, coach, and develop your team members making your HR Life Easier™, and help you become your organization's Hero.


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